Exclusive/private purchases and exclusivity time
It is very common for modelers to come across situations where the client wants an exclusive model, that is, that only he will have it. But how does this work? Will the model never be sold again?
If you use the CO3D “exclusive model” system, you’ve probably noticed that, on our platform, the exclusivity period is available. This is a feature designed to meet this need, but it can be adopted by any modeler.
After conversations with several artists, we realized that some of their works were completed and often not even published in their portfolios, as they were completely exclusive files for a specific client. In these situations, in addition to not being able to sell that model anymore, the modeler still did not have the opportunity to grow his range of work through advertising, a fact that helps a lot to attract new clients.
The context of exclusivity
Clients who ask for exclusivity often want something different from their competitors and believe that, by purchasing an exclusive job, they would have a difference in their sales. In these cases, the works are usually disclosed only at the time of sale of the printed statue, so that the client does not run the risk of another modeller doing the same project in parallel.
However, in the 3D printing market, exclusivity has some limits! From the moment the client sells their printed statue and the project becomes visible to other people, there is the possibility that other modelers and clients may want something similar. Thus, the exclusivity period requested by the client, in general, works exactly until someone else is interested in the files to print and asks another modeler to produce.

This situation creates great discomfort for both parties! On the one hand, the modeler loses the ability to sell his file more often; on the other hand, the client who asks for exclusivity finances the project alone, running the risk that other people ask for the same project in a financing format.
We, at CO3D, believe that the best solution for these cases is still collective buying, in which a group gathers to make the purchase and everyone has access to the final file at a fair price. There is always the possibility of financing a larger part, in case someone is more urgent, for example!
A fairer solution to file exclusivity
In cases where the customer does not want to give up exclusivity, CO3D presents a solution! After much study, we came to a conclusion: the fairest way to make this particularity viable is to define a period of exclusivity.
Thus, the buyer of the file has a deadline to make his sales without the competitor’s interference and, at the end of that time, the artist can offer his model again to the community.
The exclusivity period determines the amount to be charged by the modeler. The artist should think about the sales he would not make during that time and pass them on to the buyer.
Let’s exemplify a case. Imagine that they placed an order for a model and you would do it for $1000, dividing the value to 10 people, that is, $100 each quota.
If you are going to make an exclusive model for 6 months, how many shares would you not sell during that period? This question is very difficult to answer, as it varies a lot from artist to artist and also from the audience to that model. If you have a sales history, you can consult for more accuracy. But let’s risk a number, just as an example.
Let’s assume you sell your file at least once a month. In six months, you would sell 6 times, in a year, 12 times and so on.
If each share is $100, in six months you would stop selling $600. Therefore, a six-month exclusivity model must build in this value. If, in the beginning, you would charge R$1000 for a kitty model, for six months of exclusivity, then you would add the period without sales, reaching a value of $1600.
Remembering that these values are just examples of round numbers for ease of counting and this is just a suggestion that we CO3D, we believe to be interesting so far!
Our intention is to help the modeling community to arrive at a work model that is fairer and more viable, opening up possibilities for improvement for the profession.
We hope this account has helped you to better reflect on exclusive/private models.
Questions, comments and recommendations? Contact us through our Instagram @co3d.art